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Education in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and FATA - Challenges and Opportunities

Thursday, 02 July 2009 00:44
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Poverty alleviation is central to the development agenda of the public sector. The strategies to achieve this agenda call for a series of structural reforms and programs. One of the major strategies for poverty alleviation being pursued by the government is that of the development of education system through planned and sustainable strategies coupled with the social and human development. This is to be achieved with joint collaboration of all stakeholders in public and private sphere through well planned, result oriented and productive educational as well as social services in the province, especially in the under-served areas.

In pursuance of the idea for emphasizing pressing need of educational sector development the Baacha Khan Trust educational Foundation organized a conference of public and private sector development partners, educationalists, practitioners and other stakeholders of the educational sector . The conference tilted “Education in FATA/Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (Pukhtunkhwa) – Challenges and Opportunities” was organized in Peshawar on March 19, 2009 with the aims to discuss the key dimensions of the delivery of educational services and to identify main challenges and opportunities of our educational system as to its delivery in the remote areas of our province. To explore experiences of alternate approaches from the participants representing public and private sector, civil society and other individual and collective developing partners to explore policy recommendations for streamlining of the sector and to brain storm for prospects of collaboration between organizations and public education agencies for sustainable and promising impact.

This conference was the first event of the series of conferences from the forum of the BKTEF and was attended by the members provincial and national assemblies, Senator and Chairperson BKTEF Board of Directors Mr. Afrasiab Khattak, Ministers Secondary and Elementary Education Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Higher Education and Secretary Secondary and Elementary Education, government officials, educationists, professionals, Heads of public and private institutions and departments, non-governmental organizations active in educational activities, consultants, economists, scholars and representatives of civil society. This effort proved helpful in highlighting issues and brought up recommendations for improvements.

Click here to view the Education Conference Report (PDF)

Let us know how you think about this initiative of the Baacha Khan Trust Educational Foundation.



Thats a brilliant effort. Keept it up.
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avatarNawaz Khan
This is really the need of time. Pakthoon future generation could only survive with education. I support the idea and Inshan Allah it will work. I appreciate the effort of BKTEF team.

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Very interesting and amazing subject. I read with great pleasure.
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avatarsunglass armani
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avatarDior Sunglass
very well information you write it very clean. I'm very lucky to get this info from you.
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avatarAbdul Rehman
Hello BKTEF! this sounds a good effort especially in a troubled region like North West. It is important that such efforts be made and brainstorming is done but all the more important is making interventions at the policy making level, as that ensures you longer lasting results, not sure what BKTEF can do about it in individual capacity, may be networking with sharing common objectives can be done for that. best wishes.

Abdul Rehman
Abu Dhabi
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avatarEhsan... USA
Infact it is the only solution to the Pakhtoon Problems, otherwise the poor Pakhtoon kids will have no option but to join Madrassas and become suicide bombers. I fully support this holy mission. Inshallah a day will come that Baacha Khan Schools will be model schools in the whole region.
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avatarJaved Akhtar (Pakhtunkhwa Peace Forum Canada)
Excellent efforts! Keep it up. We Pashtun need sincere efforts like this to remove the existing misconception.............we appreciate BKTEF efforts..
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avatarMuhammad Nasir Khan
Very great efforts, but are there any plans to expand the services of the trust towards the pashtoons of Afghanistan as Baahca Khan does not belong to Pashtoons on the lower side of Durandline. It will be a great tribute to the services of Hazart Bacha Khan, if this trust is able to establish at least 138 schools as were established by empty handed Baacha Khan.
Wishing best for the trust.
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avatarNasir Muhammad(President P S F (IIUI)
salam to all those who work for the development of pukhtoon kids.
i want to register my self in youth development program to take benefit from our elders mission and work plz tell me that how did i register my self.
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avatarFakhr E Alam Khan Mohmand
Its a brillient and efftive effort, please keep it up and all Pukhtoons are with you people in this regard. Becasue education is the basic tool for the development and promotion of any nation and sepcially for Pukhtoon nation it is very necessary. The present situation of Pukhtoon tribes are due to lack of education and awarness. I advised Foundation administration to focus on FATA education system also. They need more rather than citizens individuals.
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Csir Coaching
wow... found it interesting... hope it'll be beneficial for me and my friends...
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avatarDr.Nawaz khalil
Great effort by BKE,i think its adifficult job in these circumstances but to reach a distination you need the first step and i hope this will be that first step in the right direction.We need to expand these schools to southern pukhtoonkhwa and Afghanistan as well.All the pukhtoons wether abroad or in the country should help this noble job.Wishing the very best for Bacha khan trust.
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avatarHabib Gul (BKPS Shahbaz Garhi- Mardan)
A fomous chinese proverb says that " A Child's life is like a piece of paper on which every person leaves a mark". Its an excellent effort of the BKTEF to give a chance for peace and stability through education specially for poor community in the pukhtoon khwa. Keep it up...wish u all the best in future...
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avatarFawad Ahmad
Excellent Effort by Bacha Khan foundation... Hope You Will continue it.. And Inshallah Very Soon we will Bring Peace in our Pakhtun Khwa...
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Good effort,plz start ur educational foundation in multan also..sana from multan
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avatarAkhtar Khan
Gud work..great effort..keep it up
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Dear Candcheda,
A mail regarding your blog has been sent on your email.

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avatarMidrar Ullah Yousafzai
Dear Nasir Mohammad
We always welcome you. we advertise all our programs on newspaper as well as on news section of our web site so keep visiting our website regularly

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You do a very nice work. But I doubt that a conference can bring any results. Once I read a very interesting book which I found at the pdf search engine http://pdf.rapid4me.com . The main hero who was an outstanding scientist took part in all the conferences that is why he had no time to make any researches and he couldn't move further. The point is that there are much easier and less time consuming ways to share the results of your work with others. Usually conferences are just talks and what is needed are real actions.
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Last Updated on Wednesday, 28 April 2010 14:11