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Primary Education

Wednesday, 10 June 2009 21:58
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Our primary education program is aimed at providing such opportunities of quality education to marginalized goups that would develop in students critical and analytical thinking faculties and problem solving skills. Establishment of CECs , development of Pashto syllabus for imparting peace education and capacity building arrangements for teachers are proving to be supportive in realizing the missionof providing quality education.

The educational program of the Foudation is characterized with following features:



We provide free/subsidized education. Books, uniform and other educational material is provided free of charge while a tuition fee of Rs. 50 is charged as a preliminary measure for creating a sense of responsibility and self-dependence among parents. The purpose behind getting parents share this responsibility is the idea of gradual shift of the responsibility of regulating and administering these schools ultimately to local communities.


Quality is the core concern and guiding feature of our educational services. The idea of quality entails such an educational system that builds in students creative thinking faculties, problem solving and decision making skills, in order to prepare them for countering future challenges and making them a deliverable and productive individual of society.


We teach Oxford University Press syllabus in our schools. Pushto syllabus is being developed by the Foundation in the light of national curriculum policy. Textbooks for Nursery and Prep have been prepared and are being taught in schools. Teaching of Pushto will serve the purpose of revival of Pushto and syllabus of Peace studies shall be produced in Pashto.



BKTEF educational system is perceived as a future community-based system, where the parents are actively involved in the academic affairs of students as well as regulate school affairs in terms of administration and finances. To serve this end, the Foundation in each one of its school locations, forms a committee of parents and other influential members of community. These associations are called Community Education Committees (CECs). The principal/school head forms this association upon the nomination and in consultation with local people.

  • CEC members look into ascertaining financial standing of students applying for fee waiver, and may also recommend to Principal fee waiver.
  • They maintain a check on absenteeism and drop out tendency.
  • CEC members coordinate and regulate Parent-Teacher Meetings and promote cause of the Foundation.

Primary medium of instruction is English and Pushto is used as a supporting language.


There is co education from at Nursery up to grade IV. After class IV boys and girls are bifurcated in separate sections.


Teachers’ training is an integral part of our educational program. the Foundation’s Professional Development Academy undertakes pre-service and on-job trainings in order to ensure the quality, high level of achievement and professional development of the teaching staff.


Last Updated on Saturday, 20 June 2009 04:32