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Thursday, 11 June 2009 01:12
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After its establishment in March 2007, the Foundation started with two schools in Peshawar and Charsadda District from Septembet 2007. Both the schools succesfuly completed acedemic session 2007-08 with remarkable gender represented enrollments. In 2008 with the help of the community the Foundation increased the number of schools from two to twelve expanding its outreach to the under served communities in the Northern belt till Dir Upper and in the South till Thall ,Hangu District.


Community Education Committees (CECs)

Community is the key stakeholder in our educational program hence their effective participation in the education of their children and the educational system itself, is inevitable to keep the system functioning effectively. In order to ensure that communities benefit maximally as well as make their input to this initiative towards owning the system the Foundation came up with the idea of formulating Community Education Committees (CECs) in the target areas. These commmittees consist of an active group of individuals from within the target community, having representation of both male and female members. The core function of CECs is to safeguard school property and serve as a check on drop out and absenteeism.



The teachers, mostly female, are selected on merit and receive competitive salaries as well as career growth opportunities. Teachers are substatially qualified and very hard working. We follow a fair and procedural method for selection and recruitments in our schools, thus trying to ensure a competent and promising lot that will give their input to maintain standards in education.

We aspire to develop in our students values of democracy, tolerance and inter faith harmony. Our focus is to make our children confident, self-reliant and productive citizens realized through imparting hard and soft key skills.


Admissions are taken from March through April. An entrance test is administered to gauge students’ performance for appropriate placement. Though open to all, priority is given to those applying on need basis in a bid to disseminate quality education to grass root level. In-session admissions are taken subject to availability of seats.

Co-curricular Activities
To broaden the social horizon, and to engender self-confidence among children a number of following co-curricular activities have been incorporated in the academic calendar:

• Inter BKSs declamation contest has been scheduled once a year.
• Art and Science exhibitions and poetry contests and Home declamation contests are
held thrice, each during a term.
• Excursion trips to museums and other historical spots are arranged twice during the 2nd
• Each term is followed by a Sports day.
• Annual day is held at the end of the third term.


There are three major exams conducted during an academic session April-March. Monthly tests are also held as per academic calendar. Observation visits are made to view the functioning and performance of schools on regular basis.

Click to view academic calendar

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Promotion and Retention Policy
A promotion criterion in first and second term exams is 40%, and 50% in final term exams. Students failing to appear in exam without valid reason are subjected to reexamination. Similarly students failing more than two subjects are rendered ineligible to promotion if past academic records are not satisfactory.


Management Information System (MIS)

The BKTEF Management Information System maintains staff and personnel management system and financial management of the Foundation and schools. Fast information feedback in terms of students’ complete profiles, performance and attendance records and logistical arrangements of schools helps make decision making fast and more efficient.

Last Updated on Monday, 15 June 2009 01:51