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Youth Developement

Wednesday, 10 June 2009 22:50
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To engage the youth of Pukhtunkhwa in a constructive discourse about issues of peace and development, democracy, human rights, and civi responsibilities, the BKTEF in partnership with the Hanns-Siedel Foundation has started a one year program of youth development.

Youth Leadership Training of Trainers Program currently enrolls 24 young men and women belonging from N.W.F.P and FATA. A group from among these participants will be selected to further impart trainings on district level. The one-year program aspires to benefit approximately 600 youth across the province.


“Training Workshop on Political Concepts”

February 16-21, 2009: First training workshop on “Political Concepts” under the Youth Development Program of the Foundation was conducted from February 16-21, 2009 in the premises of the Higher Education Commission, Hayatabad Peshawar. Mr. Wajahat Masood was the leading resource person while Minister of Social Welfare and Women Development Ms. Sitara Imran contributed as guest speaker. A total of 30 participants attended the workshop.


View report of the first Module on "political Concepts"


Second workshop on "Peace & Development" concludes

March 6-9, 2009: The second training workshop on Peace and Development" by Dr. Saba Gul Khattak took place from March 6-9, 2009 in the premises of HEC regional office, Peshawar. The workshop aimed at highligting the significant corelation between peace and development, and concept of development with gender perspective.


View Report of the Second Module on Peace and Development


Youth Leadership Training Programme (Hanns Seidel Foundation)




Last Updated on Wednesday, 21 October 2009 09:12