Minutes of the meeting of CECs, held on 30th January, 2010 at Baacha Khan Primary School Shahbaz Garhi, Mardan.

Wednesday, 17 February 2010 15:57
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Directorate of Baacha Khan Trust Educational Foundation, Peshawar.

  1. Mr. Khadim Hussain             (Managing Director BKTEF Peshawar)
  2. Mr. Tariq Ahmad Khan         (Field coordinator BKTEF Peshawar)

Baacha Khan Primary School Shahbaz Garhi, Mardan.

  1. Ms. Sana Ejaz                                   (Principal)
  2. Mr. Naveed Iqbal                               (Teacher)
  3. Mr. Habib Gul                                    (Computer Inst. Cum Accountant)

Community Education Committee (CECs) of the School.

  1. Mr. Fawad Yaqoob                           (Chairman CECs)
  2. Mr. Rahat Ali                                      (Gen. Secretary CECs)
  3. Mr. Sher Malik
  4. Mr. Fazli Malik
  5. Mr. Amresh Khan
  6. Mr. Nabi Shah
  7. Mr. M. Yaqoob Khan
  8. Mr. Bakhtiar Khan
  9. Mr. Khyal Said
  10. Mr. Abdul Ghayas
  11. Mr. Hakeem Khan
  12. Mr. Zulfiqar Ali
  13. Mr. Said ur Rahim
  14. Mr. Habib ur Rehman

Meeting started at 11:15am. Mr. Tariq Ahmad Khan proceeded on the proposed agenda and informed the participants about the establishment of educational institutions under the umbrella of Baacha Khan Trust Educational Foundation. He explained the nomenclature and composition of CEC and its dire importance for the development of education for Pukhtoons Community. Before initiating the proceeding, Mr. Tariq Ahmad Khan invited all the participants to introduce themselves by turn. All the participants introduced themselves by names and status in CECs. Then Manager Director called upon suggestions and recommendations from the participants.

1 )      Mr. M. Yaqoob Khan

Mr. M. Yaqoob Khan commented for the improvement of Baacha Khan Trust Educational Program and offered his services in burning words. He threw light on the aims and objectives as well as vision and mission of the great Pukhtoons leader Khan Abdul Ghafar Khan. He said we have promised wholeheartedly with will and one voice with administration of the school. He suggested durable steps and declared it national and social duty of the Pukhtoons to make themselves well empower by this way.

Managing Director endorsed the good views of Mr. M. Yaqoob Khan and appreciated the endeavors for Development of Education system of Baacha Khan Trust Educational Foundation.

2 )      Mr. Zulfiqar Ali

Mr. Zulfiqar Ali proposed that admission criteria at all stages should be strictly followed for the maintaining of quality education. Entry of Admission should be based on merit on the basis of tests and interviews. He further said that the proposed fee structure is against the education of proper segments and should be based on discontinued.

Principal Ms. Sana Ejaz briefed the MD of BKTEF and CECs members about the process of admission in the school and said absolutely that no admission has taken place without merit. Although community has tried to pressurize the school administration for getting admission but the whole process was completely accomplished and the criteria was followed with transparency last year. We are clear hands in this matter.

3 )      Mr. Fawad Yaqoob

Mr. Fawad Yaqoob concentrated on unity and cheerful contribution to the school. He also expressed his reservation before MD about the proposed structure of Monthly tuition fee. MD assured that this matter will be solved with mutual understanding and will receive suggestions and recommendation of all CEC members in the school. The monthly tuition fee structure will be redesigned in the light of submitted suggestions and final decision will be officially announced for implementation.

4 )      Mr. Rahat Ali

Mr. Rahat Ali called upon the attention of MD and field Coordinator towards the speed breakers near school. Official Letter by CEC members channeled but till now it has been given practical shape instead of most noteworthy problem.

Mr. Traiq Ahmad Khan excused for delaying and assured to CEC members for immediate action in the next few days.

Mr. Rahat Ali also stressed on the cheer up and enlargement of CECs and suggested that local philanthropists, social workers, parliamentarians should be contacted for fund raising.

He also assured to the MD of full cooperation and coordination for the best interest of the destitute children.

5 )      Mr. Nabi Shah

Mr. Nabi Shah stressed on associative efforts of the school administration and role of CECs. He further added that there is no dissent among the members and declared the divergence against the best interest of the school and children. MD appreciated the trend and showed the expressed satisfaction for CECs.

6 )      Mr. Sher Malik

Mr. Sher Malik said that all the members presented good suggestions and comments and I agreed with all the proposals and suggestions.

7 )      Ms. Sana Ejaz

Ms. Sana Ejaz Principal of the school informed the MD that it is all one to me and all CECs members are cooperative and coordinative. But some internal political dispute has made opaquely the whole process which needs cooperation and re-organization.

MD noted the points and requested to ignore personal and political interest and create pacification trend for the welfare of vulnerable groups of children. MD also asked from the other members. All presented their good ideas and no contradiction noted among them. MD declared the subjects / comments of the members fruitful and subservient.

8 )      Mr. Fazli Malik

Mr. Fazli Malik suggested some valuable steps for the welfare of children and quality education. He said that numbers of the students and classes should be gradually increased. Inductee students of other schools will not be properly accommodated for the purpose of quality education. So, home students’ phenomena will be proved good for quality education.


Mr. Khadim Hussain (MD BKTEF)

MD explained the four points of the establishment of Baacha Khan Trust Educational Foundation and gave a detail scenario to participants. He said that we Baacha Khan presented the concept of the Azaad Schools. The whole Pukhtoons community accepted and enhanced the idea with great keen. This system was launched successfully on self finance bases and produced monumental starts in Pukhtoon Khwa. Azaad Educations system nexused the Pukhtoons in one point that was education.

MD said about the uncivilized sheath rounded them. He said that we should come out of that and sow the seeds of love and non-violence according to the teaching of Baacha Khan. He pronounced that the enhancing of Education system is the foremost duty of the CEC members and other community. He explained that quality matters are more importance than quantity. It is the duty of teachers and parents to develop creative spirit among the students spontaneity. He further advised that local philanthropists should be contacted and motivated for those destitute students who could not afford the nominal fee. He encouraged the subscription trend of CECs for furnishing additional supplies to the school administration for which they are thanks worthy.

MD emphasized on team work for unaccomplished mission of Baacha Khan which he had declared for them a sign of success. He valued the culture, habits, customs, language and tradition of the Pukhtoons and stressed on to varnish the Pukhtoons to promote Pashto gusto, animation, spirit, virtue among the Pukhtoons community and promote the ideology, the modality of modernist leader Baacha Khan, because he was a man of plain living and high thinking. For this purpose a separate desk for the conservation of Pukhtoons culture and versification of Pashto poetry and pest has been established.

MD further elaborated the future plan and explained that Baacha Khan Trust Educational Foundation will open in future more primary, middle, high schools and colleges in the provinces as well as a Baacha Khan University under the international guiding principles for Pukhtoons. He said that Baacha Khan Trust Educational Foundation has also introduced a fund raising system providing teachers training in private and public schools and research works for international community.

MD said that new admission policy in Baacha Khan Schools has been framed.

Composition will be as follow:

  1. Principal of the concerned school.
  2. One member from the BKTEF Peshawar.
  3. Two members from CECs having proficiency and professional experiences.

Admission criteria will be followed strictly and final decision will be implemented. MD said that ways and means should be pointed out for the welfare of children. He also noted all the second thoughts which were considered best in this view. MD advised to the CECs to open an account of school run by joint signatures of CECs Chairman/ members and Principal. Contribution from CECs and community must be deposited accordingly and the amount should be used on need bases for the destitute children and for the welfare of the students/ schools.

At the end he once again paid thanks to all participants.



Minutes Compiled by:

Mr. Rahat Ali (General Secretary CECs)


Composed by:

Mr. Habib Gul (Comp. Inst/ Acct)


Last Updated on Wednesday, 17 February 2010 16:04