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Mother Language Day Celebrated by Baacha Khan Schools

Thursday, 23 February 2012 16:33
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vernicularMother Language Day is celebrated throughout the world which focuses on conserving World’s linguistic heritage. In this regard, Baacha khan schools, situated in Khyber paktunkhwa and FATA, celebrated this day with great zeal and fervor on February 21, 2012

The occasion was attended by parents, guests, community members, school children and teachers. Speeches were delivered on the importance of mother language. Through speeches, the message was conveyed that every time we lose a language, we lose one vision of the world. It was added that, on average, two languages disappear each month therefore it was emphasized that endangered languages at least be documented, if not saved.

Students of the Baacha Khan Schools presented skits, read poems and delivered speeches in their mother tongues to sensitize the community and tried to create awareness about the conservation and promotion of their mother language. By celebrating international Mother Language Day, Baacha khan Schools strive to contribute to the protection of the world’s cultural diversity.  The event ended with the pledge to create awareness in the community about the importance of mother tongue.