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MOU with Center of Peace

Wednesday, 01 December 2010 11:10
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To introduce peace education and make it part of curriculum, the Center of Peace under its program journey for peace has offered its services to initiate Peace Education in Baacha Khan Schools (BKS).

Faculty members of the Centre for Peace Studies at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada sought to develop a means to ameliorate the mental and emotional distress of war-torn families in Afghanistan. Alongside these themes was the wish to strengthen possibilities for peace through understanding and valuing peaceful processes. With the direction and assistance of Dr. Seddiq Weera, who patiently and diligently immersed the writing team in details of life in Afghanistan before the Russian invasion and experiences of ethnic and international conflict since, the authors have, with greatest respect and humility, attempted to offer these stories of hope, healing, and peace to those who live with war.

The same method of providing Peace Education in Pakistan will be used by the BKTEF. However, the methods would be adopted in the local and indigenous context of the region.

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